
Awards of Excellence

Co-Chair: Michael Konrad, StructurePoint
Co-Chair: David Thal, Weber Murphy Fox

One (1) Program: The Awards of Excellence is a springtime event (May) awarding outstanding achievements in our industry for the previous calendar year. Responsibilities include site selection, preparation and distribution of the invitation, organization of the event, encouragement of coverage by the print media and attendance by members and non-members, as well as other actions required in putting on the program.


Chair: Nathan Wynveen, Caledonia Commercial

Plans events, including the Annual Charity Golf Outing and the Annual Clay Shoot, dedicated to fundraising for NAIOP Charities. Works closely with the Board of Trustees to determine how proceeds from charitable events will be distributed. This committee has developed a set of guidelines, which has been approved by the Board that they use to formulate a plan for distribution of Charities monies. NAIOP Charities Inc. provides funds for charitable causes such as student scholarships in the real estate industry, summer camp for children battling the challenges of cancer, housing for special needs, etc.


Chair: Melissa Stone, Karpinski Engineering 
Vice Chair: Hayley Fatzinger, The Krill Co., Inc.

Strategic committee serving as liaison between NAIOP Northern Ohio and the Editorial Boards of various publications and media outlets. Actively promotes local NAIOP events and activities through social networks.

Corporate Underwriting

Chair: Andrew Coleman, CBRE

Determines those entities to be approached as potential Gavel Sponsors. The Gavel Program is a program in which organizations supportive of our industry provide annual financial contributions. In exchange, their involvement is well publicized by NAIOP, exposure is provided through a local real estate publication, and “comp” tickets to events are available. Identification of candidates for corporate underwriting, as well as the request for involvement and subsequent follow-up, are this group’s responsibility.

Developing Leaders

Chair: Chris McManis, Croghan Colonial Bank

Identifies and executes collaborative opportunities with other Young Professional organizations to promote networking and the coordinates with Membership Committee on recruiting the same. Identifies other opportunities for DL members to meet, collaborate and network together as a group. Chapter which may include a tie in with existing Mixer Events. Identifies prospective Developing Leader (DL) candidates.

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

Co-Chair: Amber Koriath, Desmone
Co-Chair: William Willis, Cleveland Development Advisors

The DEI Committee works to ensure that chapter programming, events and other activities proportionally reflect our diverse market, with a focus on acting as a resource and leveraging partnerships to attract and develop diverse talent industry-wide. 


Chair: Angel Rice, Cohen & Company
Vice Chair: Justin Eddy, Tucker Ellis LLP
Vice Chair: Ryan Schmitt, First National Bank

Helps to determine yearly events and coordinates the programs and aids in processing the continuing education credits. Programs include the quarterly developer’s roundtable, speaker series, yearly real estate continuing education program, and several other events. A typical calendar year has approximately 10 events.

Government Affairs, Public Relations, NAIOP of Ohio

Chair: Michael J. Sikora III, Sikora Law LLC/OMNI Title LLC
Vice Chair: Ben Chojnacki, Roetzel and Andress, LPA
State Historic Tax Credits Task Force Chair: Rob Weeks, R-Weeks Consulting

Determines legislative priorities of interest to the local chapter and any activities to be undertaken. Has input into NAIOP of Ohio and NAIOP National organizations regarding legislative and regulatory issues at federal and state level.


Co-Chair: Charlie Filisko, Marsh & McLennan Agency
Co-Chair: Jerry Novak, Paul Davis Restoration
Co-Chair: Rob Weeks, R-Weeks Consulting

Identifies prospective candidates for membership and facilitates recruitment efforts. Prepares and carries out membership campaign. Communicate with National NAIOP Membership representatives and Chapter management firm to assure roster accuracy. Promotes membership retention through member communications and regular mixer events to promote networking and the value of being a member.

Student Engagement

Co-Chair: Craig Miller, Duffy + Duffy Cost Segregation
Co-Chair: Dave Robar, Vocon
Vice-Chair: Don Obermeier, CESO

Liaison with Local colleges and universities, and ACE Mentor Cleveland, an organization helping mentor high-school students and inspires them to pursue careers in design and construction.

Women’s Leadership Network

Chair: Marisa Wood, HSB Architects + Engineers
Vice-Chair: Claire Coyne McCoy, Newmark

The WLN was formed to help facilitate career growth, personal development, and professional networking with female peers across the Northern Ohio region.  WLN events will focus on meaningful discussions with influential women in CRE and female owned businesses in Northern Ohio.